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Inline Content

Inline Content Types

An array of InlineContent objects is used to describe the rich text content inside a block. Inline content can either be styled text or a link, and we'll go over both these in the upcoming sections.

Styled Text

Styled text is a type of InlineContent used to display pieces of text with styles, and is defined using a StyledText object:

type StyledText = {
  type: "text";
  text: string;
  styles: Styles;

text: The displayed text.

styles: The styles that are applied to the text.

Styles Object

StyledText supports a variety of styles, including bold, underline, and text color, which are represented using a Styles object:

type Styles = Partial<{
  bold: true;
  italic: true;
  underline: true;
  strikethrough: true;
  textColor: string;
  backgroundColor: string;

Links are a type of InlineContent used to create clickable hyperlinks that go to some URL, and are made up of StyledText. They're defined using Link objects:

type Link = {
  type: "link";
  content: StyledText[];
  href: string;

content: The styled text used to display the link.

href: The URL that opens when clicking the link.

Table Content

While most blocks use an array of InlineContent objects to describe their content, tables are slightly different. They use a single TableContent object, which allows each table cell to be represented as an array of InlineContent objects instead:

type TableContent = {
  type: "tableContent";
  rows: {
    cells: InlineContent[][];

Editor Functions

While InlineContent objects are used to describe a block's content, they can be cumbersome to work with directly. Therefore, BlockNote exposes functions which make it easier to edit block contents.

Accessing Styles

You can get the styles at the current Text Cursor Position using the following function:

// Definition
class BlockNoteEditor {
  public getActiveStyles(): Styles;

// Usage
const styles = editor.getActiveStyles();

If a Selection is active, this function returns the active styles at the end of the selection.

Adding Styles

You can add styles to the currently selected text using the following function:

// Definition
class BlockNoteEditor {
  public addStyles(styles: Styles): void;

// Usage
editor.addStyles({ textColor: "red" });

Removing Styles

You can remove styles from the currently selected text using the following function:

// Definition
class BlockNoteEditor {
  public removeStyles(styles: Styles): void;

// Usage
editor.removeStyles({ bold: true });

Toggling Styles

You can toggle styles on the currently selected text using the following function:

// Definition
class BlockNoteEditor {
  public toggleStyles(styles: Styles): void;

// Usage
editor.toggleStyles({ bold: true, italic: true });

Accessing Selected Text

You can get the currently selected text using the following function:

// Definition
class BlockNoteEditor {
  public getSelectedText(): string;

// Usage
const text = editor.getSelectedText();

You can get the URL of the link in the current selection the following function:

// Definition
class BlockNoteEditor {
  public getSelectedLink(): string | undefined;

// Usage
const linkUrl = editor.getSelectedLink();

If there are multiple links in the selection, this function only returns the last one's URL. If there are no links, returns undefined.

You can create a new link using the following function:

// Definition
class BlockNoteEditor {
  public createLink(url: string, text?: string): void;

// Usage
editor.createLink("", "BlockNote");

If a Selection is active, the new link will replace the currently selected content.